Hannah + Logan // Post Falls, Idaho Wedding // Sneak Peek

This wedding will forever go down as one of the most special I’ve ever photographed. I’m biased of course, but can you imagine photographing a wedding where your grandad is officiating, your cousin and his dream girl are pledging their lives to one another, and you get to see two genuinely amazing families become one. Such a dream!

Northern Idaho was a gorgeous setting for such a wonderful event! A perfect fall wedding nestled in the woods. I love the birch accents and colors that Hannah chose. I have to also mention Hannah’s gorgeous dress! Would you believe that Hannah’s dress was her mother’s dress on her wedding day? Such a special memory and treasure to their family!

There’s one more fun detail to this wedding that I cannot wait to share! I had the pleasure of photographing Hannah and Logan’s proposal in Maui last year! Logan’s sister, Lynae, married the love of her life in Maui on February 2, 2017. On one of our last days in Maui, Logan asked me if I would help secretly photograph his proposal to Hannah. Since I love sharing the story in their own words, here is the proposal story from Hannah:

After booking our trip to Maui for Logan’s sister’s wedding, I had a slight feeling Logan would propose, yet I didn’t want to completely get my hopes up. Expectations can ruin so many good things for me, as most of the time I miss what is actually happening because I am too busy worrying about the inevitable. A couple of weeks before we left, Logan and I had a “financial talk” about where we wanted to be in the next couple of years. As my heart sank, I came to realization that Maui would not be the destination of the proposal I had always dreamed of as a little girl. Overall I understood that it was what was best for us. Flash forward to being in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and having the privilege to witness Logan’s sister, Lynae, say her vows to her forever best friend, something hit me. It didn’t matter how long I had to wait, I was content with the idea of being able to spend the rest of my life with the man I say is, “More than I could have ever dreamed of”. On the morning of our proposal, the only inkling that was slightly on the forefront was that Logan was awake before me. Trust me, this never happens. As I started to wake up, I could hear Logan talking to someone on the phone. I opened the double doors from our suite and there he was, out on the porch talking to his dad. He pulled it off well by saying the day before he wanted to meet up with his parents and his cousin and his wife, Kasey and Brie, as they were supposed to leave before us. Furthermore, I didn’t think anything about the entire situation. Logan got off the phone and said his parents had a couple more things they wanted to do that day, so we should go to the aquarium like we had wanted to do. It was a beautiful day, perfect Hawaii weather and looking back on this day it was the perfect event to take place to allow Logan to stay distracted enough to not over think about proposing. Who couldn’t enjoy fish ponds, sharks, and sea life after all? We finished at the aquarium and he wanted to head back to the villa to change and head to Kapalua beach, where we were meeting up with everyone for one last time before heading back to reality. Logan and I were down enjoying the ocean, when we could see his family headed out direction. Howard, Logan’s dad was talking to him as I was off chatting with Brie. At this time I didn’t know that Howard was passing my ring to him. I have to chuckle about the thought of getting through security with my ring. Logan had a strand of pearls for Logan’s mom, Denise, from Howard to give to her on the day of Lynae’s wedding day, and Howard had my promise of forever. So the guys were on opposite ends of security and luckily they both made it through without a beep! Brie wanted to head over and get some shots of some rock landscapes in the distance. After coming back the sun was starting to set perfectly, and was telling us that the lighting was perfect. So she asked Howard and Denise, if they wanted to get some sun set pictures on the beach. Of course they said, “Absolutely”! After they finished, she extended the offer to Logan and I. We were smiling for one and kissing in the next. Immediately after kissing me, Logan turned to me, squeezed and held onto both of my hands and said, “Babe I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, to start our journey, and for you to be my wife” he got down on one knee, sand and all, and asked me if I would spend forever with him. Tears were streaming down my face as I could hardly fathom what just happened, of course I said yes! Logan is more than any expectation I ever had in a man, and now I would forever choose him every day for the rest of my life. February 4th, 2017 will forever hold a place in my heart as committing to a lifetime of adventure with “more than the man of my dreams”.

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